Guava by NKTR 60ml
Guava by NKTR 60ml
Guava by NKTR explodes with exquisite guava flavor that is refreshing, perfectly sweet, and deeply intoxicating. Guava vape juice is dripping with sweet and exotic guava flavor that will satisfy you just like an enormous bite of the real thing. Each inhale and exhale will transport your mind to a luxurious tropical island.
NKTR by SQN Vapor is the very first line made with TFN® Nicotine, the only authentic brand of nicotine that is not derived from tobacco leaf, stem, or waste dust. TFN® Nicotine is odorless & tasteless and allows for a purer and more refined flavor profile.
WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
- Primary Flavors: Guava, Tropical Fruit
- Manufacture: SQN Vapor
- Brand: NKTR
- Nicotine Level: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg
- VG/PG Ratio: 70/30